Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 2020
02.-05. April
28.-31. May
01.-05. July
20.-23. August
01.-04. October
07.-08. November
Exam: 08. November
In case of attending, please contact organiser Prabhudeep Kaur at yoga(@)prabhudeep.com and fill out the registration form here: REGISTER

Jivan Mukta PhD. was born in Chile. He is a Lead Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and a traveling teacher, trainer and counselor. In the earlier moments of his journey he spontaneously experienced transformative events that stimulated his path to provide healing.
In 2005 he was inspired by Yogi Bhajan to do this type of service “out of love”, a key ingredient of all healing work and spiritual guidance.
In 2012 Jivan Mukta designed and launched “Meditative Healing Program™” that is accredited by IKYTA, the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association. This program has already served the destinies of students of healing in over five countries in Europe in the last years.
Jivan Mukta is also trained as a Political Scientist and Historian in his home country, as well as a Doctor in Study of Religions in the University of Helsinki. He has also published several articles on spirituality, yoga and healing. He is married and a father of two children and from 2011 he has been part of several projects to teach Kundalini Yoga & spiritual living for men. In 2015 he developed the education Total Man Training™ also accredited by IKYTA and first launched in China and Estonia.

Sat Darshan Lafontaine is a lover of yoga, dance and music. She is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer and one of the few Lead Teacher Trainers of Shakti Dance® in the world. She is a travelling teacher, a musician and the current Vice-President of the Kundalini Yoga Association of Finland.
Over the years, in her seminars and training courses at home and abroad, Sat Darshan observed how much women need to soften, relax and learn about the femininity they embody. This led her to create the Awakened Woman Program™, which uses methods from Shakti Dance®, Kundalini Yoga, Naad Yoga and a satsang-like space to bring about purification, transformation and a realization of who we really are as women.
Sat Darshan has a natural affinity with music and sound. She graduated as a Naad Yoga Teacher in India in 2012. She currently composes, sings and plays the dilruba and harmonium in the mantra band Amrit Naad and studies an ancient form of classical Indian music, Dhrupad, under the gracious guidance of the world-renowned Padmashree Gundecha Brothers. She became a Sound Healer over a decade ago and continues to serve individuals, groups and companies in private sessions.
Dance has been a way for Sat Darshan to connect to and express her internal life, since even before she undertook her first dance studies at the age of 7. She has learned many different styles, from classical ballet to jazz, hip hop and salsa, and is currently focussed on learning contemporary dance, all of which continues to enrich her teaching of Shakti Dance®.

Karta Purkh Singh is a KRI certified teacher.
He is specialized in asanas, postures and techniques of Kundalini Yoga.
He has his own Yoga Therapy Centre, in which he has treated patients as a certified holistic healer since 1998.
He is also the Chairman of the German Kundalini Yoga Association.
He lives with his wife and daughter in Hamburg, Germany.

Prabhudeep Kaur is a warm hearted and radiant yogateacher and course organiser since 2011. She is intern at Aquarian Teachers Academy
Her background of more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur has enriched her understanding of human nature while developing her organisational skills and made her resourceful and creative.
Her experience in business world ultimately made her re-assess her journey and purpose and led her to dedicate to a life of spreading awareness about human potential and yogic lifestyle.
In 2011 Prabhudeep Kaur commited to sharing the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini yoga technology teaching regular yogaclasses and workshops with a focus to uplift and heal people in their human experience.
Prabhudeep Kaur has broadened her skills in the fields of conscious pregnancy, yoga for children and youth, Karam Kriya number awareness and Meditative Healing TM and teachings for women.
She has served Estonian Kundalini family as a chairman at the Teachers Association in 2012 – 2014.
Prabhudeep Kaur lives with her family in their ashram home – the historical Hatu Manor. The highvibrational ashramhouse amidst wilderness and peace serves the community sharing the uplifting teachings of Yogi Bhajan and is a home for nonprofit organisation Valguspere – Family of Light organising courses and events promoting awareness in all fields of life.

Taranbir Kaur (Margit Kurm) is Estoian and has MA in Information Science and more than 15 years experience in managing companies and organizations. Graduated from the Level 1 and 2 of Kundalini Teacher training at Amrit Nam Sarovar in France, Naad Yoga Teacher Training at the Raj Academy in the UK and I and II Grades Meditative Healing Program™. At the moment, she is in the second year in path to become a trainer in the Aquarian Teacher Academy.
Taranbir is a founding member of Estonian IKYTA in 2008 and since 2009 she has held many yogic camps and workshops as well. The topics that inspire her are the teachings for women, conscious relationships, stress and self-healing, chakras and the five elements, nutrition, and prosperity. She is also an active Practitioner of Meditative Healing™
The course will be held in the home of Valguspere in Hatu Yoga Manor, Estonia.
It’s about 55 kms from the International Airport of Tallinn.
For transportation from the Airport to the Venue, please contact the organiser.
Address: Hatu Manor, Hatu, 76013 Lääne-Harju vald, Estonia