Teacher Training Level 2: Authentic Relationships
This is a course for certified (L1) Kundalini Yoga instructors taking place in a modern ashram house – Hatu Manor as residential with an option to join ONLINE.
On two weekends:
August 28-30 august & September 25-27 2020
‘What you relate to, that you shall be. Actually, you are immortal. You are consciousness’
– Yogi Bhajan’.
Course Summary This is a KRI Level 2 training for certified (L1) Kundalini Yoga teachers taking place in a unique environment of Hatu Yoga Manor in Estonia as a residential on two weekends: 28-30th of August and 25-27th of September 2020.
Goals of the Module: * Integrate authentic relationships into your life and your teachings.
* Explore and understand how we form, sustain and honor relationships.
* Our success as conscious human beings and Kundalini Yoga teachers depends on our capacity to be real and to respond from our hearts; our primary objectives are to examine our relationships and improve our effectiveness, authenticity and awareness within them.
Jivan Mukta, PhD (Spain)
Jivan Mukta PhD. was born in Chile. He is a Lead Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and a traveling teacher, trainer and counselor.
In the earlier moments of his journey he spontaneously experienced transformative events that stimulated his path to provide healing. In 2005 he was inspired by Yogi Bhajan to do this type of service “out of love”, a key ingredient of all healing work and spiritual guidance.
In 2012 Jivan Mukta designed and launched “Meditative Healing Program™” that is accredited by IKYTA (the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association) as a Specialty course. This program has already served the destinies of students of healing in over five countries in Europe in the last years.
Jivan Mukta is also trained as a Political Scientist and Historian in his home country, as well as a Doctor in Study of Religions in the University of Helsinki. He has also published several articles on spirituality, yoga and healing.
He is married and a father of two children and from 2011 he has been part of several projects to teach Kundalini Yoga & spiritual living for men. In 2015 he developed the education Total Man Training™ also accredited by IKYTA and first launched in China and Estonia.
Sara Avtar Kaur (UK)
Avtar Kaur, born in UK, a gymnast, dancer, singer and trained actress, discovered Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan when she was 19 and became a Kundalini Yoga Teacher shortly after.
Her first taste of Kundalini Yoga was on Yogi Bhajan’s Birthday, 26th August 1987, joining the London sangat for the traditional birthday sadhana: chanting 2.5 hours of long “Ek Ong Kar”. Avtar Kaur’s life was immediately connected and permeated by the Teachings.
Her teaching took Avtar to live in Germany (1990-1999), and then Italy (1999 onwards), where she now lives in Rome. Between 1990 and 2002 Avtar followed Yogi Bhajan’s teachings directly in Europe and Espanola, several times a year, while also receiving regular personal guidance from him. Unto this day, Avtar’s’ morning practice remains inspired, strong and transformative.
Training with Guru Dev Singh from 1993-2008, and certifying as a Sat Nam Rasayan Level 2 healer and teacher, gave Avtar the depth and stability to offer regular intensive Kundalini Workshops around Europe as of 1997. Specialities included: healing, creativity, meditation, partnerships, communication, spiritual development.
In 2001, having qualified as a German school teacher, Avtar used her skills to to organise with KRI, the first Kundalini Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training Programs in Italy – systemising the first Italian Manual – and becoming a Level 1 Lead Teacher Trainer.
Now a Lead Level 2 Teacher Trainer, Avtar has taught in Italy, Spain and Germany, collaborating as part of the 3HO-Deutschland Level 2 Trainer-Team.
Meeting with Yogi Bhajan in 2001, Avtar presented to him her development of Shakti Dance, the ‘yoga of dance’ – based on Kundalini Yoga. This, Yogi Bhajan approved and blessed, saying she should “Create the whole dance, systemize it and spread the Teachings.” Since then, Avtar has continued to develop, teach and train teachers in Shakti Dance®, spreading the discipline worldwide.
Avtar Kaur has also released several albums with music for Shakti Dance® and Kundalini Yoga, under her artist-name, Saravtar: “Shakti Lila”, “Merging”, “Waves of Grace”, “Swara Rasa”, and her new release, “Swaha~Fruition”.
As a teacher and trainer, Avtar Kaur is both worldly and etheric. She combines the intensity of her personal practice and life experience with a playful creative flow to sustain, align and elevate students through physical, mental and energetic realms. Avtar’s teaching facilitates students to liberate their Creative Spirit and connect with Source – that they may rest in nourishing Being, with expanded peaceful Presence.
Course fees The total Training fee is 910EUR (Includes teaching fees, accommodation, meals, administration, teacher’s travels costs and accommodation, course material, teacher training manuals and other general services) Total fee is 990EUR if registered after 2nd of May 2019; The registration fee is 300EUR and it is non-refundable. Registration fee is to be paid right after registration (an invoice is sent by email after registration). REGISTER HERE TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE: http://www.valguspere.ee/TTL2_vitalityandstress.html The remaining 610/690 EUR is to be paid by 2nd of July 2019 latest at the Venue. Accommodation options are: 1. Romantic attic of the Manorhouse (dormitory). 2. Nearby questhouse (15 min to drive by car). Rooms for 2, 3, 4 persons. 3. Tent in the Manor park (under ancient lindentrees, dating up to 400 years back) * In case of earlier arrival or later departing please contact the organiser for extra accommodation and meals. Venue Hatu Yoga manor is 55 km from Tallinn border. It takes 1 hour to drive from Tallinn port of airport. We can organize a pickup as well for 50€. There is an option for a public bus to Harju-Risti station, the stop is 5 km from the Venue, from there we can organise a pickup. * For a pickup please contact the organiser
Organiser contact: Prabhudeep Kaur
mail: yoga@prabhudeep.com
phone: +372 5067599