Reconnect to the source of Grace within and enjoy the company of conscious women.
20 – 23 July 2020
With Sat Guru Kaur Khalsa
Women’s camp “LIVING GRACE”
theme of 2020 “Goddesses Within”
Dedicate yourself a powerful and transformative five days away from work, smart devices, children, and family to:
* To nurture and LOVE YOURSELF,
* To celebrate the MAGIC of CO-CREATION
* To EMPOWER a woman in you
Under the nearly 400-year-old lindens of the manor park, we do ancient, powerful yoga practices for women, relax, meditate, create and experience beauty, eat balanced vegetarian food and enjoy our integrity and creativity as a relaxed woman.
We come together to discover the mystery of sacred womanhood – to activate the Goddess archetypes within ourselves. We will study and experience how goddesses can serve as empowering guides in your everyday life and spiritual growth.
Main idea of the camp is to investigate the arhetypes of Goddesses in every woman’s nature and to embody the emotions coherent to goddess archetypes.
Trauma leaves scars in our emotional and physical body. This camp will be to go deep into our emotions and see what emotion restricts or triggers us into contraction or expansion. We will address 5 main emotions and play, discover, investigate, feel to allow and embody each emotion, going into the underworld of sadness, grief, anger to come out into surprise, curiosity, joy and excitement for life.
To live fully means to have the capacity and resilience to allow and accept our shadow and trauma, which allows us to deepen our capacity to experience the positive emotion and live our potential as women co-divine creators of this existence.
Your wounds lie fragmented deep within your psyche. If you have not reconciled them, they grow stronger until you address them. They are the imposing shadow, lurking in the darkness waiting to grab hold if you grow weary.
“The wound is the place where the light enters you”.
Course fees:
Early bird until 15th of May 350€, includes registration fee 100€ (invoice for registration fee is sent after fulfilling the registration form )
After 15th of May the fee is 400€.
Accommodation in Hatu manor romantic attic (4 nights): 80€
Vegetarian food: 100€
Come and share the beauty and blessings of sacred womanhood!
mail: yoga[at]
phone: +372 5067599

Sat Guru Kaur Khalsa is a British Lead Kundalini Trainer of level 1 & level 2. For 20 years she has been living this magical path of Kundalini Yoga in Barcelona, and was touched deeply by the teachings whilst living alongside the Master Yogi Bhajan, in Espanola, USA.
She feels deeply connected to the Golden lineage and passionately transmits the purity and essence of what is Kundalini Yoga in her workshops and masterclasses around Europe and South America. She is a certified Somatic Experience Therapist (Trauma Resolution by Peter Levine) and uses the SE touch in my Kundalini Trainings and Workshops worldwide.
Sat Guru was inspired by Yogi Bhajan’s teachings for Women, and when she lived in Mexico, a well known Shaman touched her third eye with a cystal and said, “Go, the women are waiting for you!” Since then, I have been teaching and holding healing circles for women, specially designed sacred retreats for women, to practice Kundalini Yoga and Meditations to heal and transform their lives, and to reconnect to their essence.
She believes the Aquarian Age can only truly take place, once the women own their complete feminine power and step up to the responsibility of holding the wisdom and projection it will take to heal and live the new age.
Sat Guru Kaur is a dynamic teacher who believes in keeping the teachings pure but real, and transmitting them in a modern and transparent way, but staying faithful to the tradition.
Prabhudeep Kaur is a warm hearted and radiant yogateacher and course organiser since 2011. She is intern at Aquarian Teachers Academy
Her background of more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur has enriched her understanding of human nature while developing her organisational skills and made her resourceful and creative.
Her experience in business world ultimately made her re-assess her journey and purpose and led her to dedicate to a life of spreading awareness about human potential and yogic lifestyle.
In 2011 Prabhudeep Kaur commited to sharing the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini yoga technology teaching regular yogaclasses and workshops with a focus to uplift and heal people in their human experience.
Prabhudeep Kaur has broadened her skills in the fields of conscious pregnancy, yoga for children and youth, Karam Kriya number awareness and Meditative Healing TM and teachings for women.
She has served Estonian Kundalini family as a chairman at the Teachers Association in 2012 – 2014.
Prabhudeep Kaur lives with her family in their ashram home – the historical Hatu Manor. The highvibrational ashramhouse amidst wilderness and peace serves the community sharing the uplifting teachings of Yogi Bhajan and is a home for nonprofit organisation Valguspere – Family of Light organising courses and events promoting awareness in all fields of life.
The course will be held in the home of Valguspere in Hatu Yoga Manor, Estonia.
It’s about 55 kms from the International Airport of Tallinn.
For transportation from the Airport to the Venue, please contact the organiser.
Address: Hatu Yoga Manor, Hatu, 76013 Lääne-Harju vald, Estonia